BlueDragon 6.1 final já saiu

Saiu ontem a versão final do “irmão gêmeo” BlueDragon 6.1.

COnfiram: BlueDragon 6.1 Released

[via Sean Corfield]

One Comment on “BlueDragon 6.1 final já saiu”

  1. H u G o disse:

    off topic:
    blz Alex,
    estava instalando o CFMX com IIS no winXP Pro e apareceu esse erro no final da instalação, ——————————————————-
    You have successfully completed the first step in installing Macromedia Coldfusion MX.
    However, the web server connectors did not install successfully and the web server and/or website could not be reached on port 80. Possible reasons include a blocked port 51020, or the web server and/or website is not running or is not configured to listen on port 80 (in which case this is not an error).

    Please complete the following steps to complete the installation:
    1) Consult the Installation Guide on how to manually configure the web server connector,
    2) Ensure any firewall software blocking port 51020 is disabled,
    3) Ensure the Coldfusion service is started,
    4) Manually configure your web server connectors,
    5) Confirm your web server and web sites are started, and
    6) Continue your installation by logging in to the Configuration Wizard at htt://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm ——————————————————-
    mesmo depois de reinstalar ele continua, ja procurei no google e no site da macromedia uma solução, mas ñ encontrei. Ñ estou usando nem um farewall ja tentei trocar a porta 80, mas o erro continua, se vc souber o porque disso e puder me mar uma força nessa, valeu mesmo.