Sun, Zend integrate PHP with Sun’s Web server
Publicado; 04/11/2003 Arquivado em: Tecnologia 3 Comentários“Sun Microsystems Inc. has partnered with Zend Technologies Ltd. in a move to let developers deploy applications written using the PHP scripting language on Sun’s Java Web server, the companies announced Monday.”
” (…) but IT executives at large corporations are often wary of using Apache for critical applications because of concerns about security and support issues (…) “
“Along with Oracle Corp., Macromedia Inc. and others they began work on a Java specification within Sun’s Java Community process to let PHP and other scripting programs run on servers compliant with the J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) standard. “
Que Java, como plataforma é uma maravilha, nós sabemos. Usar outras linguagens (como ColdFusion e agora PHP) para escrever aplicações em Java é que é o barato.
[via crisdias]
Update: “Sun and Zend are leading the effort, which, if successful, will create a way for developers to write Java applications using popular scripting languages like PHP, ECMAscript and Active Server Pages. “
[via infoworld]
Pensando bem, até que não é uma má ideia, Alex… :o)
Fabio você quer dizer?
Desculpem Alex e Fábio… Naum tinha reparado!!! :o)