Texto justificado, fora de tabela, usando [P ALIGN="justify"]

Aggregate resources have figured prominently in our global society for many millennia . From the construction of ancient Inca roads to our modern society skycapers, the significance of aggregate has never been underestimated. Still, the proeminence of aggregate resources has not evolved without a certain degree of controversy.

Aggregate can cost considerable time, labour and money. In fact, natural aggregate is a prized commodity in many areas of the world. As a non-renewable resource, aggregate does not always occur in the areas it is most needed, and if present, the resource is often affected by competing land-use options such as sterilization vs. Exploitation. Quality, quantity and accessibility are equally important variables contributing to the controversy.

Texto justificado, dentro de tabela, usando [P ALIGN="justify"]

Aggregate resources have figured prominently in our global society for many millennia . From the construction of ancient Inca roads to our modern society skycapers, the significance of aggregate has never been underestimated. Still, the proeminence of aggregate resources has not evolved without a certain degree of controversy.

Aggregate can cost considerable time, labour and money. In fact, natural aggregate is a prized commodity in many areas of the world. As a non-renewable resource, aggregate does not always occur in the areas it is most needed, and if present, the resource is often affected by competing land-use options such as sterilization vs. Exploitation. Quality, quantity and accessibility are equally important variables contributing to the controversy.

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